(Ibn Battuta)
A road journey from LOS ANGELES to CARMEL
DECEMBER 27, 2012 - JANUARY 3, 2013

A road journey from LOS ANGELES to CARMEL
DECEMBER 27, 2012 - JANUARY 3, 2013

The definition of an independent traveller is: any trip that is organised by yourself - your own transport, accommodation, and itinerary, as opposed to going somewhere as part of a holiday package.
Since Australians are 'born travellers', we tend to combine independent travel with organised tours to ensure that we get the best-possible value, whether it be locally or overseas. Independent itineraries may combine formal walking tours, day trips, and self-guided sightseeing, but the main advantage of independent travel is that it provides flexibility and the ability to explore and discover the spirit of a place at our own pace. One has the time to explore that narrow laneway, discover a cafe, poke around in an interesting shop, talk to a local, or sit on bench and watch the locals go about their daily business.
Some of my best holidays are due to balancing self-guided independent travel with formal tours. I'm sharing some of our independent itineraries, which include self-booked accommodation, transportation, tours, and general information we have gathered along the way.
Click on the images below to read about my self-guided itineraries.